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"Nina Simone meets Bertolt Brecht"


"Prepare to have your socks knocked off!" 

 Simon Behrman, music writer, on Strange Fruit


"The best rendition of Goodmorning Heartache, since Billie Holiday" 

Michael Garrick OBE, jazz pianist


"Her rhythms are so fluid but it's all there 

and her amazing voice floats effortlessly over the top"

John Kameel Farah, Award winning composer


"The best jazz singer there is" 

Steve Denholme, Founder Somerstown Festival of Arts and Culture


With a voice that has been known to bring audiences to tears and extraordinary versatility on the tombak (Persian drum), Somaye’s music represents the fresh sound of the Iranian Diaspora, fusing East and West.  Her powerful and emotive voice which conveys the spirit and meaning of the songs of Billie Holiday and Nina Simone like no other is complemented by the heartfelt poetry penned by herself.


Somaye's unique arrangements of jazz standards on the tombak create a captivating sound that can only emerge from London's cultural melting pot and as a skilled producer her soulful voice blends seamlessly with the beautiful instruments of the East to create unique soundscapes that stand out within London’s urban musical jungle.


Born to Iranian parents in London, Somaye spent three years living in Iran before fleeing and returning to London.   She found solace in music and initially trained on the piano before discovering her true talent as a singer. She pursued her passion for music by studying and gaining a BA Hons in Music and MA in Ethnomusicology.  She returned to her Iranian roots by learning to play the tombak.  Her musical blend is the expression of a life torn between two cultures.  


What the fans say about Somaye:


"What a voice, what heart, what beauty!"


"[The] woman's a phenomenon, I swear it!"


"Your arrangements have such kick, and what a beautiful voice you have."


"Your version of Fever is so much better than the English one" 


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